Friday, June 10, 2011

How to start...hmmm... I sit with an empty page before me, my kids tugging at my legs beside me, and lunch still smeared across a couple of highchair trays that I am currently avoiding. Yes!! It is the life of a stay at home have internet (mostly facebook because it makes you feel as though you have a life outside the home) you have lunch with friends (yep you guessed it peanut butter and jelly...AGAIN...per request of my 2 year old) oh and the friends I just mentioned are my 10mth old son and 2yr old daughter (which I have to say are quite entertaining at the table and the conversations seem to never run dry)...turns out toddlers can be great company :-)!!!!

I have a tendency to ramble so I am going to try to cut straight to the point of my blog and even the title of my blogsite (One Day I Will Potty By Myself)...I hope to use this site to note some of the funny, hard, and triumphant times of raising my toddlers....The title of my site came from a thought process I have had for awhile which began one day when my 2yr old was basically trying to tear down the door of the bathroom while I was in there....I started trying to calculate the last time I had gone to the bathroom without an audience at the door and then I began to think about how one day no one would be at that door anymore and how I would miss it and (if you know me you know my mind also rambles) then I began to think about how many diapers I change a day and how one day there will be no more diapers and even though I would be happy to have the extra money I thought about how I would miss having babies around and would even miss my little unwanted guests to the bathroom.... and VIOALA....I started keeping a journal, which is now going to be a public journal, and I named it "one day i will go potty all by myself" basically because it parallels my kids current diaper situation and my current "visitor to the bathroom" situation....I hope to use this site to keep up with my growing kids and my life as I navigate through this mommy thing.....

ok so i am also computer retarted so lets see if i can even get this to post......